
Everlasting Love Which The Cartier Show to Us

By Isabella TU on January 03, 2011

He still clearly remembered the time he spent together with her. They were students at that time and always played at a sunlight and beautiful weather day, her to smile like the glitter of sunlight and the beautiful flowers in spring. He always loved to hug her into his bosom and deeply smelt her well-smelled long hair. He always told to her that we should together with each other forever no matter where. She listened to him and pressed herself against his bosom,Cartier Heart Charm Bracelet in Yellow Gold with Diamond, after a long time they didn't separate. He wanted seek a thing to witness their love. Soon afterward he found a cartier love bracelet which fitted to witness their love in the cartier shop, told his original intention to the salesclerk who was very considerate and understood the meaning so he commended the boy to order the cartier love bracelet to express they love. The bracelet worked well soon, he sent the bracelet to her, and she accepted very happily.

But she still left him to the paradise. In fact he can live with her happily mutually guard from cradlet if it wasn't the drink driver, but the affair has already taken place. He stayed and waited in her bedside without sleep or rest and looked at her life keeping on withering away and have nothing to do with it just fantasized she will become well, everything will pass by, they can construct a new life together ......but it is impossible. She was still leaving him in the obfuscation soon afterward.

In that sunlight glitterring afternoon,Cartier Love Bracelet in Stainless Steel Plated with Yellow Gold, a men's despairing crying spread away in the sickroom of hospital for his lover's loses.

He almost went crazy at that time, but she had ever gone to the world which he is nonability to control. Hence he had disappointed and drown during a period of time until he saw the bracelet that she left did he rebirth.

His business started taking off soon and often without sleep or rest worked for more than 30 hours, he put his whole energy to his work. When he was too weariness to feel going to death, he always seemed to find her nearby who encouraged him, let him have a rest; Each time he suffered frustration, her unreal image also appeared, sat there looked him encouraged him smile.He took up very quickly with his hard-working and intelligence so lots of enterprise indicated him to do the case. He owned a company when he was 30 years old.

At present he is the man who don't lack anything in the world, in addition to her ......but she can only appear in his dream, just as the cartier love bracelet which is the symbolize of their love in  the former days-the love which will continue eternal.

Published at Sooper Articles

